The Process Bundle



For the first time ‘The Process” introduces the methodology, philosophy and principles behind how we prepare and coach teams to win.

Building on the ground breaking book “Game Changer – The Art of Sports Science” this unique series gives you concrete applied examples of how to prepare the person, player, coach and team for sustained success.

In Level I

– The Game Experience – Understanding the game from a players Perspective

– Time & Space to Practice – Developing game intelligence

– The Game Model – Understanding the game, chaos and decision making

– Constructing Game Model – How to prepare a play-practice model

– Training Design for Game Moments – Breaking the game down

– Cohesion & Communication in Teams – Developing a common language

– Habit, Emotion & Instinct in Players – Developing instinct & intuition

– Player Profiling & Training – Analysis of the team sport player

– Protecting the Player – Health, welfare and medical care of the person

– Winning & Developing Leadership – Creating leadership inside the lines

The Process Level II will cover: Applied Game Analysis & Scouting, Using
Data & Sports Science in Practice, Holistic Playing Profiling,
Individualization within Team Sport, Team Weekly Programming, Exposure vs
Fatigue, Annual Team Preparation, Periodization of Games, Culture &
Continuous Improvement. The Process outlines, for the first time, the
complete development of the team sport player. The Process outlines the
tactical, technical, physiological and psychological development of the team
sport player, all the way from high school to college to professional.
Building on ‘Game Changer’ the authors demonstrate the application of the
‘Game Changer’ principles in practice through games based approaches,
structured loading, development of emotionally resilient players while
developing game intelligence and protecting player health.

The Process Level III – builds from the foundation of Levels I & II providing detailed examples for coaches for the performance, development and well-being of team sport players. Beginning with how data and information is used in both a quantitative and qualitative manner to monitor and improve team sports performance. Level III explores how to develop the individual in a team sport context, how the styles of play influence the training philosophy and introduces the concept of tempo, rhythm and flow in team sports. Ecological dynamics in team sport, variability, rigidity, and dexterity is introduced in a practical manner and its importance in team sport. On this foundation team speed is deconstructed and solutions are provided for the proper training of team sport speed – moving and playing fast, not simply sprinting – as well as how to develop the appropriate energy systems to exploit speed and fitness over a complete season. Finally, we explain the integration of strength and power for team sports in a complete model that prepares team sport athletes to play their game fast, strong and powerfully with a systematic and progressive process.

The Process Level IV – is a workbook providing examples, templates and samples of Team Sport Player Profiles, Schemes for evaluating performance and designing training that were described in Levels I, II and III. It outlines examples of weekly plans and templates for planning weight room and pitch training for tracking performance and monitoring load. It describes examples of how to assess and evaluate performance – technically, tactically as well as psychologically and physically in a cohesive model from High school to the Pros. Examples of weekly plans for all levels, weekly and annually.


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